Holme St. Cuthbert School is a primary school which serves the civil parish of Holme St. Cuthbert in the county of Cumbria, United Kingdom. It is located approximately one-and-a-quarter miles north-east of the village of Mawbray, the largest settlement in the parish, and twenty-three miles south-west of the city of Carlisle, Cumbria's county town. As of the 2018-19 academic year, there were sixty-two pupils enrolled in the school. This is just short of the school's capacity of sixty-six pupils. The current headteacher is Mrs Lynn Carini, who took over from Mrs Sheila Daniel in 2014.
Headteacher: Mrs Claire Fleming
Telephone Number: 01900 881 242
Telephone Number (when calling from abroad): +44 1900 881 242
URN: 112112
DfE Code: 909/2032
42 pupils between the ages of 4 and 11.
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